December 17, 1903 – The world’s first airplane takes off successfully.

Today, 115 years ago, is a day that must go down in history as ‘Humans can fly’ for the first time!

After trying to research and experiment with inventing airplanes for many years Finally, on December 17, 1903, Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright, better known as The ‘Wright brothers’ were able to successfully take the ‘Flyer’ airplane into the sky. It can fly through the air for 12 seconds for a total distance of 120 feet, making it the world’s first fully controlled flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft. On the same day, the Wright brothers flew the machine three more times, with the final flight lasting 59 seconds for a total distance of 852 feet.

Afterwards, the couple patented the Flyer aircraft. and never stop developing airplanes to be more efficient Until finally, the Flyer was able to successfully fly across North America. Wilbur died in 1912 from typhoid. and Orville died of heart disease in 1948.

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